Workshop 1
January 20-21, 2022 via Zoom, 9am to 12 noon AKST.
Workshop 2
March 24, 2022 via Zoom, 9am to 12 noon AKST.
Workshop 3
May 11-12, 2022 via Zoom, 9am to 12 noon AKST.
During the first workshop we defined key educational needs, identified informative data sets, and linked educators with data managers for module development.
During the 2nd workshop we connected / reconnected participants and renewed the process of discussing and planning educational materials. This meeting was primarily a working session; a chance to spend time with others excited about using data in teaching by discussing and brainstorming projects within groups.
During the 3rd workshop we continued to grow the network and made progress on module project ideas, and initiated a few new project ideas based on participant interest. This meeting allowed us to see modules under development and further refine draft modules for beta testing in the fall semester.

Workshop 1
Day 1, Jan 20, 2022 – 9am-noon (AKST), zoom
- Zoom recording of day 1
- Introductions
- Presentations from data providers on data availability and accessibility in an undergraduate educational context
- Claire Lunch [presentation], Cam Webb [presentation materials], Steffi Ickert-Bond [presentation], Jay Jones [presentation], Laura Gough [presentation], Katie Spellman [presentation], Katrin Iken [presentation]
Day 2, Jan 21 – 9am-noon (AKST), zoom
- Zoom recording of day 2
- Break out groups – Addressing educational objectives through module development
- Module proposal process
- Future meeting plan
- Network participants and how to connect with AKDatUM researchers
Workshop 2
24 March 2022 meeting (9 a.m. – noon, via zoom) Zoom recording of the 2nd workshop
During the 2nd workshop we connected / reconnected participants and renewed the process of discussing and planning educational materials. This meeting was primarily a working session; a chance to spend time with others excited about using data in teaching by discussing and brainstorming projects within groups.
Workshop 3
May 11-12, 2022 meeting
During the 3rd workshop we continued to grow the network and made progress on module project ideas, and initiated a few new project ideas based on participant interest. This meeting allowed us to see modules under development and further refine draft modules for beta testing in the fall semester.
Workshop 4 (hybrid, in person and via zoom 9-noon)
May 15-16, 2023 meeting
During the 4th workshop we had a chance to look at the final modules and results of the student testing of them, learned more about Data Nuggets and CUREs, and discussed additional data resources that are available and could be used with students, and discussed a follow-up to AKDaTUM.